I used to go to the hairsalon and spend hundreds of dollars to have my hair done but I soon learned how to handle it and to do my hair myself. I'm so happy to have found the courage to do it because I've been scared for a long time now because of how much hair I have. It was difficult at first but now it has became an amazin and money saving experience for me. This is my blog for hair update every months... Different hairstyles for different experiences ...

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Self- made Crochet Braids

Alright so sorry for the long absence... I actually kept my latest braids for more than a month and I did a full treatment after that to strengthen my nappy hair. In an upcoming post I'll post you about my hair regiment and my hair growth adventure. So this is how I started my crochet braids. Sorry I didn't take any pictures of the package but I guess you'll still recognise them. Here's my braids pattern.

So this is how my braid pattern looks like and I had a pretty hard time parting the back and the sides because my hair is so tough to comb and I was suffering my life out to comb and braid it. I did it in roughly 30mins. To much time spend to comb and detangle them. Here's the finish product. Once again I didn't thought of taking a picture of the extension's package and I didn't take pictures of my hair halfwayeither! But anyways here's how it looks like.

A little bird at night told me: Why don't you go ''Honey Blonde'' for a change? And I DID! ^^
Hope you like it

Stay tunned ^^

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